Korean Culture Box

We’re excited to share that the Korean Culture Box has arrived at our school!
Inside the box, each student received a special postcard, personalized just for them. The beautifully designed postcards have connected us to Korea’s vibrant culture. It also included delicious Korean sweets, we enjoyed the delightful experience. We also found traditional masks for painting, we watched some videos where we could see how they use these masks for traditional dance dramas or performances.
We want to express our heartfelt appreciation to the students and teacher sending the Box, it has reminded us of the incredible cultural diversity. We eagerly look forward that they receive our Box and they will tell us if they enjoy it.
Thank you for these wonderful gifts, and until we meet again, we wish you all the best!!

If you want to learn more about our Global Scholars course, please visit our webpage: https://sites.google.com/instarragona.cat/global-scholars22-23/home


Ens fa molta il·lusió compartir que la “Culture Box” (Caixa de Cultura) Coreana ha arribat al nostre institut!
Dins la caixa, cada alumne ha rebut una postal personalitzada, que ens ha connectat amb la vibrant cultura de Corea. També ens han enviat dolços coreans, hem gaudit d’una experiència deliciosa. A més a més, hem rebut unes màscares tradicionals per pintar, hem vist alguns vídeos on hem pogut veure com utilitzen aquestes màscares per a drames o representacions de dansa tradicional.
Volem expressar el nostre sincer agraïment als alumnes i professors que envien la Caixa, que ens ha recordat la increïble diversitat cultural de la que formem part. Tenim moltes ganes que rebin la nostra caixa i ens diguin què els ha semblat.
Gràcies per aquests regals, i fins que ens tornem a trobar, us desitgem tot el millor!!

Si voleu veure què hem fet a Global Scholars aquest curs, visiteu la nostra pàgina web: https://sites.google.com/instarragona.cat/global-scholars22-23/home




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