eTwinning & Institut de l’Arboç

eTwinning is part of Erasmus+, the  EU programme for education, training, youth and sport. It is a free online community for schools in Europe which allows teachers and students to find partners and collaborate on projects within a secure network and platform using the internet.

L’Arboç high school is a member of the eTwinning community since February. This school year we are carrying out some projects with other schools from Belgium, Rumania, Poland and Turkey.  For example, now we are participating in two projects: one is about  inventions from our countries and another one is about nice experiences related to our schools.

With over 250,000 registered educators across Europe, eTwinning gives us the chance to become more aware of the power of cooperative working and the importance of being able to understand and respect other people’s cultures, values and points of view. Last but not least, eTwinnig is also a way to search for an Erasmus+ partner to carry out projects with and apply for mobility funding in the near future.

[2018-2019] Onde te levam os teus pés na Europa? Projecte e-twinning a 1r de Batxillerat.

És un projecte que tracta de conèixer la cultura i el patrimoni europeus. El fil conductor del viatge sorgís de la base del nostres peus, que utilitzem per desplaçar-nos al voltant de estos països. Així dons, viatjarem per Europa i coneixerem els diferents països i els seus habitants a través de les seues sabates. Aquí veurem les sabates típiques de cada regió, com es fan, per què son així i si encara es porten.

[2018-2019] Saint Valentin – 14.2.2019.

Els alumnes de 1r, 2n i 3r ESO de francès han intercanviat postals de San Valentí amb un altre institut d’Holanda. Aquesta setmana ens han arribat les postals dels holandesos i tal i com podeu veure a les fotos són postals molt treballades.