Migratory Birds. 2n d’ESO

El primer dia de Migratory Birds – Vic ha servit per conèixer el centre i els companys de 2n, per preparar el travel journal, on registraren tota l’experiència, i per visitar l’Ajuntament.
The first day of Migratory Birds-Vic has been to know the center and the 2nd year classmates, to prepare the travel journal, where they will write the experience, and to visit the City Hall.

Migratory Birds ha arribat a Girona per descobrir-ne tots els racons històrics mentre s’encomana en de l’alegria de la diada de Sant Jordi 🌹
Migratory Birds has arrived in Girona to discover all its historical corners while enjoying the happiness of Sant Jordi’s Day 🌹

En la tercera jornada de Migratory Birds hem descobert Vic, el seu patrimoni, les seves tradicions i el projecte social del Casal Claret. Junts hem fet un dinar de germanor abans d’enfaixar-nos per fer castells.
On the third day of Migratory Birds we discovered Vic, its heritage, its traditions and the social project of Casal Claret. Together we had a brotherhood lunch before making human castles.

La quarta jornada de l’Erasmus Migratory Birds els alumnes van fer una bona barcelonada: el port marítim, les Rambles, el mercat de la Boqueria, la catedral, el barri del Born, una mica de shopping…. i un final espectacular: la Sagrada Família.
On the fourth day of the Erasmus Migratory Birds, the students did a good Barcelonanada: the seaport, the Rambles, the Boqueria market, the cathedral, the Born district, a bit of shopping… and a spectacular end: the Sagrada Família.

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