ENGLISH WORKSHOPS 2n Trimestre Inscripcions obertes


Obertes les inscripcions al segon trimestre dels English Workshops que farem semi presencialment a l’institut. Us deixem l’enllaç a la pàgina de l’ajuntament on podeu fer la inscripció i una carta que ha escrit la tallerista encarregada de dinamitzar aquesta activitat.


The Strategic Challenges workshop is a great after school club which invites children to learn English in a fun and interactive environment. Every Monday and Wednesday children enjoy a fun filled hour and half of games, puzzles, jokes and brainteasers to help develop their thinking and improve their English speaking and vocabulary.

Recently the classes have been online due to the recent COVID restrictions, however, this has not stopped us from enjoying Strategic Challenges in English. Some great examples of English strategy games have been Scattergories, 4 pictures one word, spot the difference, word puzzles and lots, lots more.

Learning through play is very important as it provides children with the confidence and excitement to learn languages and to build and develop their skills. This method is so successful as it provides an environment where children can practice their english in a relaxed setting, encompassing all levels and abilities. The power of play in these workshops helps to develop social skills and facilitates peer learning. In this way, those who have difficulties feel fully involved and are comfortable to interact. There is a mix of levels with our students, so we have found that visual puzzles and games have been very useful to engage and motivate everyone. Visual aids and prompts further help to consolidate written content and oral understanding.

The workshop has been very rewarding so far. I have loved working with the students and observing their enthusiasm for English through fun and dynamic methods. It is a pleasure for both myself and Suzanne to develop and run the workshop.


Us esperem!