Comença l’aventura d’ERASMUS + 2021!-The ERASMUS + 2021 adventure begins!


Despite the struggles of a pandemic year, last week 3 students from our Institute started their stays subsidized with Erasmus + scholarships.

Two of them are based in the beautiful French city of Bordeaux. Cristina, a student of styling and hairdressing, is currently working at the ¨Salon Pascal Seyller¨ and Erika, a student of Administration and Finance, is working in the administrative department of the Lycée Condorcet.They are on the web news:

The third one, Mireia, from Integral Aesthetics and Wellness, is located at the ¨Slyou Academy¨ in the Portuguese capital, Lisbon.

From here, we wish them a great Erasmus + experience, both professionally as well as personally!!!

Ah! And we would also like to take this opportunity to remind you that you can follow us on our Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.


Dos són a la bonica ciutat francesa de Burdeus. La Cristina, estudiant d’Estilisme i Direcció de Perruqueria, està treballant al ¨Saló Pascal Seyller¨  i l’Erika, estudiant d’Administracío i Finances, està treballant al departament administratiu del ¨Lycée Condorcet¨. I ja són noticia a la seva web! :

La tercera alumna, Mireia, d’Estètica integral i Benestar, està a
¨ l’Academy Slyou¨ de la capital de Portuguesa, Lisboa.

Des d’aquí els hi dessitgem que gaudeixin d’un fantàstic Erasmus+ tant a nivell professional , com personal !!!

Ah! i aprofitem per recordar-vos que ens podeu seguir al nostre Instagram, Twitter i Facebook .