Last December 17th, 18th and 19th we did some workshops in English. Students learned some tricks and maths while enjoying the show. First level did “Timing musicality and coordination of movement”, the second level “The Magic English”, and the third and fourth level “Move your body”.

In spite of all restrictions, we are having due to Covid, we have tried that our students had fun with these workshops and practised their English as well. (#POEFA).

Programa finançat pel Ministeri d’Educació i Formació Professional i cofinançat pel Fons Social Europeu.


1 comentari

  1. Manela

    Felicitats a totes les persones que heu fet possible aquesta activitat en un moment tant complicat com aquest.
    I tot el meu reconeixement al Mag Stigman per l’actuació i per com ha aconseguit motivar als alumnes.

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