Thanksgiving Day

Today is Thanksgiving Day in the US and Spencer, our language assistant, has explained to 5th and 6th graders a lot about this Festival. 

She has said there are three big facts about Thanksgiving:  food, family and gratitude. This is a holiday, so students in the US don’t go to school. They meet with their families, eat turkey and lots of other food and give thanks for all they have.

She has also explained about native Americans, how many there were before the European people went there and  how many there are right now.  We have also watched a story about the Mohawks. With this story we have learnt that Ancient natives in America gave a lot of importance to the action of giving thanks for all the things they had: water, stars, vegetables, trees, the sun, family…

Finally we have made a turkey with colorful feathers where we could write what we are thankful for.


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