6th A Community action project reflection.

This term we have prepared  a fair for first, second and third graders. We wanted to teach them about water issues in a funny way.

If you want to know more about it, here’s a link to the digital presentation we shared with with our international peers:


And these are some of our reflections:

I think the most succesful part of the project has been…

-brainstorming. (Hugo and Mariona)

-preparing the activities and materials for the water fair. (Itzíar, Bruna and Camila)

-doing the fair. It was fun for us and for the boys and girls! (Anna, Rayanne and Pau)

-the song. (Blai)

-the team work. (Adonay)

-the posters and the digital presentation. (Dària)

I think we shoud/could have improved…

– our explanations of the game, because we spent a lot of time with them. (Magalí) 

-managing the time during the fair. (Saskia)

-we should have been more relaxed during the fair, we were really nervous! (Laura)

-we shouldn’t have spent so much time deciding the game we prepared. It was difficult to reach an agreement. (Marina)

– the digital presentation. (Sergi)

– we should have tried doing the plastic challenge for more time. (Laia P.)

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