Rugbi a sisè

Els nens i nenes de sisè han començat una nova U.D de rugbi, a les tres primeres sessions ens ha acompanyat en Diego Pacheco, antic jugador de rugbi professional d’Argentina i actualment entrenador dels Cocodrils de Viladecans. Aquí us deixem un petit vídeo. Esperem que… Llegeix més»

English in Mitjans ⚡️🌟

This week we were working on improving our English pronunciation. To do this, we read a dialogue using different reading fluency strategies and practising with our reading partners. Finally, we showed our results in front of the class. Some of us even dared to role-play it! 😜


Easter time! Cicle Inicial

Easter it’s almost here and in Cicle Inicial we were working on some vocabulary, we created a card and we did an EASTER EGG HUNT! We had some much fun! Here you have a video to watch the activity. Also you have a link to… Llegeix més»

English Mitjans 2nd Term

Hi families! We we are almost done with this term and we have been practicing some dialogues to work on the different topics that we have worked until now: self-presentation, body descriptions and clothes. Here you have a video to watch it, we hope… Llegeix més»