English Day was here again and 21th October we celebrated with Year 3 and  4 in Menàrguens.

In the morning we watched a theatre play called FRANKENSTEIN with IPA Productions and in the afternoon we played   THE BLOODY GYMKHANA with 6 different checkpoints throught different places of Menàrguens:

  • Checkpoint 1: What’s the time, Mr Wolf?, Calvary
  • Checkpoint 2: Halloween Dictetion, Empit del Vall Square
  • Checkpoint 3: Halloween Quiz, School
  • Checkpoint 4: Pass the BOMB, Swimming pool
  • Checkpoint 5: Halloween Party, Street with ARCHES
  • Checkpoint 6: The scary legend “The Bloody Mary”, Theatre

If you want to watch it, click on the images:                                                                                                                     Theatre Play: FranKenstein// Gymkhana: Pumpkin// Video: Camera


Programmer Working Illustration Instagram posts de Escola Alfred Potrony

And a TV REPORT!!!

(Program 297, minute 15:17)

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