European ePals

This is an European Project, where the students in Year 6 can exchange Personal Information with different countries from Europe.

Here you can watch our videos!!!



FIRA ACOVI: A walk along the UK!

Some days ago we worked the UK and now we know information about: Situation + Flag, Important Places, Famous British People, Stereotypes and Food! And we made a Photocall !

CLICK ON, if you want to watch the photos!


My ePal + eTwinning

Aquest és un projecte europeu amb els alumnes de 6è curs. Consisteix en l’intercanvi d’informació personal entre Turkey, Poland, Estonia, Talavera la Nueva i Térmens (Spain).

Per saber més coses i veure els vídeos que hem preparat podeu visitar:

“Menú (Barra Superior Dreta)// Anglès (Especialitats)//                                                                            MY EPAL”

My ePal

The main aim in this project is exchanging Personal Information between students from different countries around Europe.

The students work with ICT to get oral fluency in our foreign language, in English.

Moreover the students improve listening, writing and reading skills.

Each student will have a personal epal and they will share the information in Twinspace.

This project has got the following contents:

  • Personal Information.
  • Daily routines.
  • My town or city.

These are our VIDEOS, where the students ask, answer and summarize about their Personal Information.