English and Christmas!


The 2nd grade children have been learning English by doing communicative activities and playing different games. They have played a Christmas memory game and practiced the song “He has a red, red coat“, too. They had a really great time!

Here are two online memory games about Christmas that you can play at home: memory game 1, memory game 2.

Click on the image to see more photos.



Els nens i les nenes de 2n han estat aprenent anglès fent activitats comunicatives i jugant a diferents jocs. També han jugat a un “memory” de Nadal i practicat la cançó He has a red, red coat. S’ho han passat d’allò més bé!

Aquí teniu dos “memory games” de Nadal que podeu jugar des de casa: memory game 1, memory game 2.

Cliqueu sobre la imatge per veure més fotos.

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