Treballem Joan Miró

Durant tot el primer trimestre hem treballat Joan Miró.

Totes les classes han desenvolupat diferents tipus de treballs. Escultures tridimencionals, l’alfabet de Miró, Murals, etc.


Aquí us deixem alguns dels treballs que hem fet:

La Castanyada 2017

La Castanyada ha tornat a ser una gran celebració

Els alumnes de l’escola vam fer panellets, vam anar al forn, vam rebre la visita de la senyora Castanyera, vam ballar i ens ho vam passar d’allò més bé durant tot el dia!!!

Aquí us deixem un recull d’imatges acompanyades de música que resumeixen perfectament com va anar la jornada.


Halloween 2017

Let’s celebrate Halloween!


Today, the 27th October, we have celebrated Halloween in the school. Firstly, we have prepared a Halloween disguise party! All children were wearing different costumes… They were just fantastic!! Then, they have decided who was wearing the best costume and the winner has been Irene. She has won a Jack-O- lantern plenty of sweets!


Later on, we have done a raffle! All the students have been looking for some words related to Halloween in a word search situated in the corridor. The winners have been Jordi from 1st and 2nd class, Ariadna from 3rd class, Nara from 4th and 5th class and Blanca from 6th class. They have won a scary chocolate lollipop!


After this raffle, we have played a very typical game called Apple Bobbing. In this game, children had to take some apples from a basin plenty of water with their mouths. It has been really funny as you will see in the pictures!


At the end of this special party all children have received some sweets and candies! We have had a really good time!! But, before finishing with the explanation of the activities, I would like to thank all families for all your ideas, collaboration and the fantastic costumes and make up! And, obviously, to thank all the teachers and pupils for their help and implication, without you all these activities would not be possible!