Sortida Keith Haring 2n

Bon dia famílies,

Per acabar el nostre projecte de l’artista, el dimecres vam anar al centre de Barcelona  a veure un dels murals que Keith Haring va pintar. Després vam fer una passejada  escoltant algunes motles curiositats i llegendes d’aquesta ciutat. Per acabar vam dinar i jugar una estona al Parc de la Ciutadella.

Aquí us deixem un recull de FOTOS.

Bringing women to light! 💜

During the last month, 6th graders have been working on bringing important women around the world in history and STEM, for that, they created some biographies and now, they’ve named the main spots in the school with them. 

That’s why now, since the celebration of the International Women’s Day, when you go to the school hall you’ll be in Frida Kahlo Square or, when you visit the playground, you’ll find the Sara Mardini Square.… Llegeix més»