Des dels inicis de la posada en marxa de la nostra escola, impartim en llengua anglesa la plàstica a tots els cursos de primària (Arts & Crafts).

Per a consolidar aquesta experiència, des del Departament d’Educació, se’ns ha reconegut aquest treball i hi hem participat des del curs 2017-2018 al 2019-2020 en el Projecte GEP (Grup d’Experimentació per al Plurilingüisme).

Les accions del programa GEP s’orienten, d’una banda, a incrementar el temps d’exposició de l’alumnat a les llengües estrangeres curriculars i, d’una altra, a acompanyar els centres educatius en el procés de desplegament i consolidació d’un projecte lingüístic plurilingüe propi.

El curs 2019-2020 vam finalitzar el projecte GEP. Al llarg d’aquest tres cursos de formació l’escola ha pogut anar consolidant una metodologia més global a l’hora de treballar les Arts & Crafts i altres matèries.


Fine Art!

Fine Art is a photography exhibition and the students from the 5th grade have participated. This year the topic is about maths and our students took photos about it. They enjoyed a lot taking photos. This exhibition is in the Ateneu Theatre from the 22th of February to the 17th of March.

We are sure you will enjoy our photos!


Bobble hats

Winter, cold days… we don’t like to go out with so freezing weather. But we also like enjoying playing outside, so the better way is wearing warming clothes. That’s why we have created our own bobble hats!!! We have coloured and cut out our hats. Then we have also worked on a bobble made out of wool. Some glue to paste it on the top of the hat and… great! Our amazing bobble hats!!!


The sea: English theatre

Hi everyone!

On Wednesday morning, the little children in our school enjoyed an English theatre play.

There were an octopus, a fish, a turtle, a starfish and a shaaaaark!!! Yes, an enormous shark! But… you know? The shark helped the pirate to find a hidden treasure!

It was funny!  We sang and danced the songs worked previously in class!

Let’s have a look!



Vincent Van Gogh was probably one of the most well known and influential artists of the 19th century. Year 4 pupils learned all about Van Gogh’s painting style in the Arts & Crafts lessons.

Students created nice expressionistic sunflowers.


As every year our school participated in the English Day as well as other schools in Anoia. This year’s topic was musicals, and we decided to focus on Michael Jackson’s one called “Thriller”.

On the English Day all the primary groups put down the books, pens and pencils and moved to different spaces of the school with the aim to dance the “Thriller” song with our teachers and mates.

We all had a great time learning new vocabulary and instructions in English about dancing. We had lots of fun becoming ZOMBIES for a while!