European teachers a l’escola

Cada 4 anys l’escola Serraparera rep estudiants internacionals de la UAB que fan un intercanvi dins el programa Empowering Education in Europe. Aquest programa on intervenen diferents universitats europees  és un excel.lent recurs per conéixer diferents cultures així com,  a una eina per poder practicar la llengua anglesa. L’últim curs va ser al 2020, malauradament sense poder gaudir-ho molt, degut a la pandèmia. Aquest curs:  en Martin Ovre, de Dinamarca, la Zara Clowry d’ Irlanda així com la Lisa-Marie Draxler d’Àustria estaran amb nosaltres compartint i coneixent la nostra escola i el nostre entorn. Welcome Martin, Zara and Lisa!

We are three exchange students who are very excited to be here at Serraparera. We all study to become teachers, and want to experience the school system here in Catalunya. The three of us, will be here until end of May and help with the English lessons.

Martin is from Copenhagen in Denmark, and is studying to become a secondary school teacher. Besides studying, Martin plays basketball and loves watching football.

Zara is from Ireland, and is studying to be a primary school teacher. Zara loves music, reading, swimming and playing badminton.

Lisa-Marie is from Austria near Graz and is studying to become a primary school teacher. She loves going for a walk with her dog, reading books, snowboarding and listening to music.

We cant wait to meet you all!