Africa: Handa’s Surprise!

We are learning English through Handa’s Surprise storybook. The students can say vocabulary about animals and fruits, they can locate the african continent on a world map and they will act out the story in the class.
They are learning a song in swahili called “Jambo”.
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English 1st grade

The 1st term project is based on the storybook “The hairy scary monster”. Students learnt about parts of the body, shapes, colours and numbers. They created a monster using different shapes such as triangles, rectangles, ovals… Finally, they did an oral presentation about their creations.
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1819 English 2nd grade

Astronauts have learnt about the school parts. Here there are some pictures about the activities carried out in the class. They worked in small groups and they invented their own school project: schools with swimming pool, laboratory, jacuzzi… They are very CREATIVE!