Els nens i nenes de Cicle inicial treballem el projecte del Mercat i hem anat al Mercat Municipal de Ronda Fleming. Ens hem convertit en periodistes tot entrevistant als comerciants. Estem molt agraïts/des pel tracte rebut. Moltes gràcies!
Feu clic a la foto per veure la… Llegeix més»

Happy Halloween kids!

Dear students! It’s Halloween time!

Here you can watch again the funny story of Meg and Mog and the football story. 


And here the famous Room on the Broom tale. Enjoy!



Welcome again school!!

Hello hello dear students!!! Its’s a sunny and beautiful day today. This week we have started the reading time early in the morning with some good stories. Here you can watch them whenever you want again and again. 😉 





The 1st class Pets shop

During the month of May the First Grade kids have been working on a Pets Shop ( the project chosen by them from the Skills Trainner book). They have worked a lot. First we have made a list of the things they need to do it, then they have brought their own toy pets and all the material they came up with. They have also created the labels of each animal, a poster with the shop’s name, the timetable and the price list. In small groups they have practised selling-buying their own pets. Finally, they have also invented their own pet and some of them have done oral presentations!


Here you are some pictures of them at the end of the ” project”

Funny resources

Hello my dear families and children! Here you have this nice place with loooots of resources to practice your English and other subjects as well 😉


And some cute songs about pets too.





During the School’s Interdisciplinary Project the children from Initial Cycle have worked hard and learn a lot!

Here, in the blog you can listen to the songs about transports  again and watch the story that have inspired our creativeness.

Click on each image and have practise a little.






And if you want to watch Ben and Gran’s story again…