Learning with our FIVE senses is F.U.N!

Today early in the morning, we have practised this beautiful poem with the First Graders. Then iwe have gone to the canteen and we have eaten POPCORN! But, before, we have used ours 5 senses to SEE, SMELL, HEAR, TOUCH AND TASTE it. It’s been… Llegeix més»

Revision games

Welcome back to the Second Term kids!

Here you can revise some previous vocabulary.

Days of the week games:


ABC and numbers:


Monster Mansion Match:


Alphabet bingo:


Connect the Dots (Numbers 1-10):


Pirate number game:


I hope you enjoy them!

Christmas is near!!!

Dear students, Xmas holidays are just around the corner and we are all very excited!

In the English sessions we’ve been singing and learning many christmas songs.Click on the images to watch the videos again.


Our dear elf Ashley, Tiger and I wish you Merry Christmas kids!And happy Xmas holidays!:-)

La nit de les nines

Els nens i nenes de Cicle Inicial hem anat al teatre de l’Escorxador de Lleida a veure un espectacle de dansa creat i dirigit per una artista lleidatana: Irene Cascos, directora de l’escola Arts Centre de Dansa i Música.
Hem vist com ballaven els personatges de… Llegeix més»


El passat dissabte 9 de novembre els/les alumnes de l’escola Pràctiques 2 van participar en la Jornada de Miniatletisme que es va celebrar a les Basses d’Alpicat.
Van fer un tastet de les diferents modalitats d’atletisme i d’alguns esports. Moltes felicitats als atletes i a les… Llegeix més»

Songs, videos and photos!

Here you can revise the classroom objects song again. 😉 


HERE you can see some photos we took after making our Halloween poster with the First Graders.

Click on the image below to watch some cool videos of the Halloween POEM.



Spooky kids!


Dear little monsters 😉 if you want to enjoy some songs and videos about this festivity  click on the following links:



And some online games to play CLICK HERE,


and HERE

Have a super spooky time kids and remember to brush your teeth if you eat sweets 😉