Pasqua’s Escape room en cicle inicial.

Aquesta última setmana del segon trimestre en el Cicle Inicial hem fet un escape room de Pasqua. Les nenes i nens hem superat les dues proves en parelles. Primer havíem de resoldre un laberint i conèixer la paraula secreta que s’amagava pels passadissos del laberint per aconseguir el passaport que ens ajudaria a resoldre la cerca dels Ous de Pasqua.
Després vam buscar els ous de Pasqua per tot el patí, alguns dels quals tenien unes lletres amagades que formaven dues  paraules secretes. Happy Eastern! Ho vam gaudir molt, aquí teniu unes quantes fotos dels moments.

During the last week of the second trimester in the first cycle, we organized an Easter-themed escape room. The girls and boys worked together in pairs to overcome two challenges. First, we had to solve a labyrinth and discover the secret word hidden within its corridors. This secret word allowed us to obtain a passport, which in turn helped us in our search for Easter eggs. Afterward, we look for Easter eggs on the playground, some of the eggs had hidden letters which formed a secret sentence. Happy Eastern!! We had a great time!!!