Espai web per comunicar les feines que es desenvolupen gràcies al projecte GEP.

EF first grade: Abilities

Hello everybody!
This term first graders have been working different abilities with different games: jumps, rounds, throws, receptions…
They have enjoyed a lot!
Here you can have a look:
Hola a tots i totes!
Aquest trimestre l’alumnat de 1r ha estat treballant diferents habilitats a partir de jocs variats:… Llegeix més»

Let´s separate mixtures! 5th graders

Hello families!
Last week we were separating mixtures. We had differents tools to separate each mixture. We learned about “evaporation method”, “sieving” and “magnetic separation”. It was a great activity!
Hola famílies!
La setmana passada vam practicar com separar barreges. Teníem differents instruments per separar-les. Vam aprendre els… Llegeix més»