Nadia is with us!

Hello to everybody!

My name is Nadia and I will be a new Physical Education assistant in Enric Farreny School.

I have graduated from the University of Physical Education and Sports Science in Athens and my bachelor degree deals with the study, research and teaching of all aspects of the movement. It is about the mental, intellectual and biological education and health of all individuals, through participation in sports.

My bachelor degree specializes in two domains: Greek Folk Dances and Track and Field (running).

Right now I am working on my Master degree on Pedagogical and Humanities Studies in Sports, specializing in “Studies in Dance” at the University of Physical Education and Sports Science.

I fell in love with Spain when I came here for my Erasmus studies two years ago, and I love working with children as it is an opportunity to watch children grow and develop into confident, self-sufficient learners, so being able to combine both is a fantastic opportunity for me.

I will give my best for the children to learn, develop and have fun through sports and games.

If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life. — Marc Anthon

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