Aquest curs hem inicat les caixes d’anglès de 3r a 6è. A cada caixa hi ha una proposta de plàstica on estreballen les dimensions d’anglès: comunicació oral (presentació del producte final, comprensió lectora (lectura de biografies d’artistes, descripcions de quadres…) i expressió escrita (preparació d’un… Llegeix més»

English Day 2021

Hello everyone!

We want to explain you that on 11th of May we celebrated English Day!

This year it’s been the 10th year! So we have reminded past English days through some activities of Genially. Do you remember Leprechaun celebration or the Musical day? (si no els recordeu podeu entrar al web, clicar el tema que us interessi i veure’n el vídeo a l’apartat “Results”).

Due to Covid, this year it’s been different but we have celebrated it and it’s been cool!!! Here you have the video of this year’s celebration:

Here you have a video about this year:

We hope you enjoy it!



These days 5th graders are presenting  their best friends using chromebooks and powerpoint presentations. . They are working on present simple structures as well as on  adjectives, hobbies and of course oral skills in English. They have been working very hard and  they have done… Llegeix més»