Setmana Cultural del Cicle Superior 2023

L’alumnat de 5è i de 6è vam gaudir d’una setmana cultural molt especial. Portem treballant el tema des de l’inici de curs, i encara continuem aprofundint més. Aquesta setmana va ser especial, ja que vam dur a terme moltes activitats engrescadores, interessants i diferents.


El Dia Europeu de les Llengües fou proclamat el 26 de setembre de 2001 pel Consell d’Europa, amb el suport de la Unió Europea. L’objectiu principal és fomentar l’aprenentatge d’idiomes a tota Europa i promoure’n la diversitat lingüística i cultural, tot fomentant l’aprenentatge permanent… Llegeix més»

ARTS & CRAFTS 5th & 6th GRADERS (2021-22)

During this year, the students of 5th and 6th grades have participated in different artistic workshops. Now you will see the presentations concerning both MACBA and Roll-a-Miró creations.
In the first one, the students talked about the feelings and emotions that they felt when visiting MACBA… Llegeix més»

Let’s encourage creativity!

During a few weeks, 5th and 6th graders have experienced creativity. In what way?

  • First, we were given 3 geometric figures: a triangle, a rectangle and a circle.
  • Then, a sheet of drawing paper and different types of colours.
  • Finally, we created a picture including all three objects, we invented a title for it and we presented it in front of our mates.

It was a really nice experience to share. Here you are the results.

Enjoy it!😉