Comencem a construir el Blog de Biblioteca

Comencem a construir el BLOG DE BIBLIOTECA de l’escola Barrufet. Aquest primer article dona el tret de sortida a tot un seguit d’informacions que anirem penjant en aquest apartat de la nostra pàgina web. Durant aquest curs 2021 – 2022 estarem fent proves i afegint contingut en aquest espai.

EUROPEAN QUALITY LABEL – eTwinning project “The very hungry bookworm”

We are pleased to announce that Barrufet school has been awarded the eTwinning European Quality Label in recognition of its work in “The very hungry bookworm” etwinning project (2020-2021)

Click here to read a summary of the project published in the eTwinning  blog “Acercando aulas”.