Hi again. We already know each other: we’ve learnt our names, age and several personal information. Now it’s time to talk about our families and houses!!!

The first step will be  to define what a house is. Our suggestion will be to comment on the following quote: “A House is made of bricks, but a home is made of love, hope and dreams” 

Then, we will continue by identifying the parts of a house and by learning how to ask and answer questions about objects in a house.

Click on the following link and practice as much as you can. Funny songs present new language in a new, rich and imaginative context..



Hola, Una vegada ens hem conegut farem un pas endavant aprenent coses sobre la nostra casa:

  • Parts de la casa
  • Preguntes i respostes sobre els objectes que hi ha a la casa

Abans de res reflexionarem sobre aquesta dita: “Una casa està feta de rajoles, però una llar està feta d’estima, esperança i somnis”

cliqueu a sobre el link que hem inserit i practiqueu!!!


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