Durant aquests dies a l’escola hem pogut gaudir d’una proposta pedagògica proposada per la Fundació Kilian Jornet aprofitant el Dia Internacional de les Muntanyes que es va celebrar el passat 11 de desembre.

Els alumnes de Cicle Mitjà han estat experimentant de forma manipulativa què és el desgel i quins són els efectes de la descongelació en el planeta. Tanmateix, s’han fet moltes preguntes que, afortunadament, un col·lectiu de científics i activistes han pogut resoldre en format webinar.

Per últim, han passat a l’ACCIÓ! Totes les escoles participatives del projecte han realitzat un decàleg amb propostes de millora amb l’objectiu de fer sentir la seva veu i així, enviar-ho a la conselleria de medi ambient i territori amb efecte de canvi.

Aquí us deixem una pinzellada del nostre treball a l’aula:

El gel es fon, la terra s'escalfa,..i?


Què fan els alumnes d’Educació Infantil fora l’escola?

Hem sortit a buscar els contenidors de reciclatge més propers. I per a què? Doncs amb la intenció de reciclar i donar-li una altra vida als trencaclosques vells, trencats i amb peces perdudes que tenim a l’escola. Així doncs, amb tot aquest paper i cartó que hem pogut reciclar, esperem que es puguin fabricar nous jocs i trencaclosques i els puguem demanar als Reis Mags.

L’activitat ha seguit donant-li vida a un altre tipus de paper; el paper de diari. Gràcies a la col·laboració de tot l’alumnat de l’escola, de mica en mica, hem esmicolat papers de diaris. Quan ja en tenim una bona pila, els hem posat amb aigua i seguidament els hem triturat. Finalment, n’ha sortit una pasta grisa que hem colat amb l’ajut d’un sedàs. I màgia, n’han sortit unes noves làmines per poder-hi crear altre cop! Com que la pasta està humida, hem pogut fer-hi formes amb diferents tipus de motlles i decorar-les amb altres bocins de paper. Ara caldrà esperar uns dies perquè quedin ben seques.

Fàcil, oi? Us animem a buscar papers de diaris, retalls de papers que ja no feu servir,… per a poder-ne crear de nou!

Fem paper reciclat


Pumpkins are great for making scary lanterns at Halloween! But did you know that you can also make delicious snacks from pumpkins? In class, we watched a video to find out about leftover Halloween pumpkins and our students realized that after carving the pumpkins they didn’t need to waste the inside (pulp and seeds). There’s no point in throwing away leftover pumpkins when we can put them to good use.

Two of our students made “pumpkin soup”  and another student toasted the “pumpkin seeds” and we ate them while we were watching the videos. They were delicious!

So, if you throw food away, it’ll just be a waste of money. Follow our students example!

Here you have the link for the pumpkin soup recipe: https://cookieandkate.com/creamy-vegan-pumpkin-soup/


Dear families,

The ZER Conca is going to participate in an “eTwinning” project called “TAKE CARE OF OUR PLANET, TAKE CARE OF OURSELVES” with other schools around the world: ITALY, PORTUGAL, GREECE & NORTH MACEDONIA.

The main goal of this project is to make children aware of the importance of taking care of our planet “The Earth” by taking actions in our own community.


Being environmentally friendly is a fundamental attitude, and it has never been more important to devote all possible efforts to protect the planet.

With this project, we intend to make students realize that, with small actions and changing attitudes in our communities, we can achieve great results for a Better World.


Enhance a culture of citizenship and active participation.

Encourage knowledge of different realities.

Value and promote knowledge, develop a critical and reflective spirit, leading them to be able to provide solutions.

Promote and enhance healthy living habits.

Defend and preserve the environment.

Use the arts as a fundamental instrument in the process of recovering values ​​of respect for others and for the planet.

Organize your work and be able to work in national and international teams.

Change habits and customs at home and at school.

Develop ICT skills.

Develop foreign language skills.

Develop a sense of responsibility.


Throughout the school year, there will be regular contact and sharing activities.

The schedule will be developed collaboratively between the partners.

Partial stages will be stipulated with a monthly description in the project plan, to be made available on Twinspace.

The activities will be carried out individually or in groups.

Various digital tools will be used.

Whenever appropriate, there will be feedback on the progress of the project, under the responsibility of each school.

May 2022, will be the deadline for submission of the final assignment.

In early June, the final assessment will be made on the project, with a survey for teachers, students, families and the involved community.


The activities will be shared on the TwinSpace.

The project will be publicized in the school through exhibitions and presentations. It will be posted on the participating schools’ blog and in the community.

The dissemination of the project will be an example of good practice, encouraging everyone to acquire and share knowledge and change attitudes.

A new vision of respect and action in favor of others and the world in general is expected.

For the duration of the project, we are going to keep you informed regarding the activities the students are going to do.


The United Nations introduced THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS (SDG’s)  in 2015 as a global plan to reduce poverty, protect nature and enable everyone to live in peace and prosperity.

These 17 goals of sustainable development should be achieved by the year 2030. That is just 9 years from now. To achieve the goals, countries, companies, and citizens should all work together, and share the responsibility to spread the word about them.

It is therefore crucial to introduce SDGs to students as well.

In la ZER Conca, the students have already taken actions. We started with these goals by doing the activity “How you go to school …”,  we discovered that we are contributing to air and noise pollution. The majority of students come to school by car instead of walking or cycling.

After taking into consideration the results, we made a decision; to use  alternative transportation as much as possible (scooters, bicycles or our feet (on foot)).

By putting this action into practise, we can kill two birds with one stone, save our planet and keep fit.

You can find more information about SDG’s on the following link. Have a look at it!



Els alumnes de Cicle Inicial hem treballat l’art rupestre. El primer que vam fer va ser investigar a través dels llibres que van portar els mateixos alumnes què és això de la Prehistòria. Des de tallers artístics hem pintat amb els nostres propis dits amb cafè i pintures. Els resultats mostren la caça i els animals de l’època.

Art rupestre

THE PLANET AND THE 17 GOALS COMIC (Sustainable Development Goals)

If you want something fun and educational to read, which is related to the 17 Goals, having a look at the comic “THE PLANET AND THE 17 GOALS”  is a MUST!


Here you have the link: https://catalogue.unccd.int/1200_GlobalGoalsComic.pdf