English Theatre with Blue Mango at Bisbe

As every year at Bisbe Berenguer, we have had the chance to enjoy two entertaining English theatre plays with Blue Mango Theatre organised by the school’s English Department.
At the gym, students and teachers saw two different plays, The Horror Show, for 1st and 2nd of… Llegeix més»

English Day

Last Wednesday, the 14th March 2018, we celebrated the English Day at our school. The whole main purpose was to boost the use of the English language by as many teachers as possible. Most of them prepared a special unit in which some CLIL activities… Llegeix més»

Scottish Dancing Workshop with David Vivanco

Last Monday, 28th February, all the Bisbe Berenguer’s Batxillerat students had the chance to enjoy a Scottish dancing workshop and learn a few steps of Céilidh, a popular form of folk dancing in Scotland.
David Vivanco visited our school once again and conducted this fab session… Llegeix més»

Back to School!

Aquest any hem portat endavant per segona vegada el projecte d’aprenentatge col•laboratiu “Back To School”, un projecte on som els alumnes els que fem de professors, aprenem a ensenyar i allò que significa estar davant d’una classe. Vint-i-dos alumnes de 4rt d’ESO dividits en tres… Llegeix més»

Feeding Our Cities: What does it mean to be a Global Scholar?

This year, our school participates for the third time in the international project Global Scholars.
Global Scholars is an international online learning project that connects students in cities around the world and prepares them to become the next generation of global citizens. Engaging in activities both… Llegeix més»