Life during the Middle Ages

Our 2nd of ESO students explain in the following videos interesting things about their lives during the Middle Ages. They all had different roles: peasants, artisants, knights, monks, kings, queens…Have a look at the videos and you will discover interesting facts about this period of history.

Erasmus Project about DRONES

One morning we had the visit of an expert, Sergi Castillo, in Drones. He prepared a workshop for some classes so that students could have a first view of a drone and some theoretical parts. It is important that students know the rules.

Here you have some PHOTOS.

The next day, the EXPERT, Sergi Castillo visited us again to teach how to fly the drones and how to control them, how to code the orders, etc.

We could practise and all of us learned a lot and we had so much fun.

Here you have some PICTURES OF THE WORKSHOP.

Thanks to Erasmus Projects we can do these activities.

Identidad visual y logotipos - Comunicación - SEPIE - Erasmus+


Seguint amb l’estela de la campanya impulsada per l’Institut Català de les Dones amb el títol de #LliuresISensePor, presentem aquesta exposició comissionada i dissenyada per l’Institut Català de les Dones i Creación Positiva per reivindicar el dret a la llibertat sexual i seguretat de les dones en l’àmbit públic i privat. Lliures i Sense Por és una exposició de 9 plafons pensada com a recurs formatiu per reflexionar sobre què són les violències sexuals, com identificar-les, quines són les causes, i què es pot fer davant situacions de violència.

Aquesta setmana hem tingut l’exposició al vestíbul centre.

Turistic Challenge

The students from 1st ESO participate this year in the Turistic Challenge. We have just started thinking ideas to improve the tourism in Costa Daurada and Terres de L’Ebre.

We hope we can enjoy the project and learn a lot, because we love our area and comarca, Terra Alta!

We participated in the 1st workshop organised by Diputació de Tarragona: PHOTOS.

More information: click on here.


El 27 de gener s’ha commemorat el dia internacional en memòria de les víctimes de l’Holocaust. Enguany, l’alumnat de 4t d’ESO ha volgut contribuir-hi amb la creació d’un curtmetratge de la vida de Neus Català: Neus Català, una dona contra Hitler

El lema “Sigues llum enmig de la desmemòria” ens recorda que cal estar atents per evitar que fets semblants tornin a succeir.

Learning BOXES and ERASMUS


Some classes of IE MdD del Portal, in Batea, are working with Learning BOXES in order to know more about our partners in Europe.

In these BOXES they can investigate so that they can get information about these countries that are our associates in Erasmus Projects. It is also a way to know more about Europe and its countries, traditions, culture, food, situation, economy, facts and people…

Students love learning about all these.