Emprenedoria i suport a altres entitats: CEE Jeroni de Moragas

L’alumnat de 4t d’ESO ha fet entrega d’un donatiu al CEE Jeroni de Moragas.

Durant el curs, aquest alumnat va dur a terme una cooperativa escolar, amb la qual van recollir uns diners, i dels quals han fet entrega d’un 10% al CEE Jeroni de Moragas.

Tot el grup classe vota i decideix a inici de curs quina serà l’entitat o organització a la que faran el donatiu, i van decidir que fos a aquest centre, amb qui hem col·laborat en prèvies ocasions i que valorem molt l’esforç que fan dia a dia.

Erasmus project, Digital citizenship through Castles

Last November 2022 we hosted students and teachers from Romania (Iasi), Sicily (Bagheria) and Turkey (Istambul).

The students worked in teams in order to solve challenges related to Castles and about our countries in Europe.

During one week, students and teachers participated in some activities organised by the hosting school in Batea and they also visited some castles in the area.

It is amazing to see how students manage to collaborate and speak by one common language and how they can work together in order to improve.

Here you can see some PHOTOS.


Festa de la tardor 2022

Després de dies intensos preparant panellets, coques i fabioles, divendres vam gaudir de la festa de la tardor.
Al matí ens ho vam passar de por veient l’obra de teatre que havia preparat l’alumnat de 4t d’ESO. I per la tarda vam gaudir amb les representacions… Llegeix més»

Erasmus k229, Digital Citizenship through Castles

From 2nd to 7th October 2022, our students from 4th ESO participated in a students’ mobility in Sicily, in Bagheria. They were working on the project about “Digital Citizenship through Castles”, with the partners from Sicily, Turkey and Romania.

The activities were related to digitalization and the knowledge about castles, history, culture and tradition.

Our students were able to taste new dishes, learn about other cultures and improve their skills in English while communicating with other partners. They also learnt new words in other languages, such as Italian, Romanian and Turkish.

It was a week full of activities where students could demonstrate their different abilities.

Have a LOOK AT THE PHOTOS in the album.

ERASMUS in Guimaraes, Portugal

The students from 4th ESO could meet again with their partners from Portugal, Romania and Greece in Guimaraes, Portugal.

We met for the project “Building the inclusive and creative school for the future”. The partners from Portugal had prepared several activities related to the project and also others so that we could know much better their culture, food, tradtions, history…we really enjoyed all of them. We had a lot of fun and we made friends that we will remember forever. This experience, according to the students’ opinions, is so great that that they recommend participating in Erasmus projects to everybody.

Here you can see some PHOTOS.

ERASMUS in Hungary

This year the students from 4th ESO could finally meet their partners from the project “Aviation elements in robotics and coding- programing and practical use of drones”. They visited us in October 2021 in Batea, but we could also visit the partners from Hungary in Kecskemet. There we met the friends from Sicily, Poland and Hungary.

We participated in several activities related to the project, but also in other activities that they had prepared for us to meet their culture, traditions, food, history. We really enjoyed them a lot and we learnt some things that were really interesting.

Here you can see some PHOTOS of the mobility.





Aquest passat divendres 27 de maig vam poder, finalment, celebrar la I Jornada “Apadrinem el nostre Patrimoni”, un projecte de centre en el qual el nostre alumnat apadrina un dels entorns naturals més emblemàtics del terme de Batea, Pinyeres. Durant les darreres setmanes, els alumnes, en diferents assignatures, tallers i projectes, han preparat diverses activitats i materials per a la jornada, que es van concretar el darrer divendres del mes de maig, en una jornada en què la calor ens va respectar.

Tor l’alumnat d’ESO, la Comunitat de Joves, fa fer el camí des de l’institut i fins a Pinyeres en un matí radiant però poc calorós. A les 11 ja eren a Pinyeres, després d’haver caminat a bon ritme. Un cop allí, es van iniciar totes les actuacions i activitats que hi havia previstes. Aquest és un vídeo resum de la jornada:

L’àlbum de fotos complet de la jornada:


A més, el projecte “apadrinem” disposa d’una pàgina web que anirà fent-se gran a mesura que transcorrin els 3 cursos que dura el projecte:


També us deixem un vídeo de l’assaig general que l’alumnat de 2n d’ESO va fer al centre, els dies precedents a la trobada: