Erasmus+ es el programa europeo en los ámbitos de la educación, la formación, la juventud y el deporte para el periodo 2014-2020.

Erasmus+ es el programa único que trata de impulsar las perspectivas laborales y el desarrollo personal, además de ayudar a nuestros sistemas de educación, formación y juventud a proporcionar una enseñanza y un aprendizaje que doten a las personas de las capacidades necesarias para el mercado laboral y la sociedad actual y futura.

En España son dos las organizaciones designadas como agencias nacionales para la gestión coordinada del programa Erasmus+: el Servicio Español para la internacionalización de la Educación (SEPIE), para el ámbito de la educación y la formación; y la Agencia Nacional Española (ANE), integrada al Instituto de la Juventud (INJUVE) para el ámbito juventud. Las acciones de Erasmus+ Deporte están gestionadas directamente por la Comisión Europea a través de su Agencia Ejecutiva en el ámbito Educativo, Audiovisual y Cultural (EACEA).

Texto extraído de la web oficial del SEPIE:

Los proyectos están cofinanciados por el programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea. El contenido de esta web es responsabilidad exclusiva del Institut Escola Mare de Déu del Portal de Batea y ni la Comisión Europea, ni el Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación (SEPIE) son responsables del uso que pueda hacerse de la información aquí difundida.

Esta fue la presentación a nuestro claustro de los diferentes PROYECTOS ERAMUS existentes, EN SETIEMBRE DE 2016:

A continuación aparecen, por orden de antigüedad, los artículos que nuestra web ha ido publicando periódicamente referentes a los proyectos ERASMUS+  en los que participamos.

Además, se pueden consultar los diferentes proyectos en Twinspace:

-Tradigames around Europe link

-Healthy Living and Equal Opportunities through Sport link

-My school, My life link


My school My life Erasmus Project

Our students from 3rd ESO presented their proposal about the playground to our Directora dels Serveis Territorials d’Ensenyament a les Terres de l’Ebre, Montserrat Perelló.

They explained her that they have work hard preparing some ideas and plans for our new playground. They have a lot of ideas that they have prepared with their partners from Erasmus project “My School my Life” (Germany, Austria and Latvia). Now they are going to present the ideas to the rest of classes from our school in Batea and all students will debate about the best designs and opinions.

We think it is a great project and the students have worked a lot, with a lot of effort and enthusiasm.

You can check our space in Twinspace.

Chat online with Erasmus partners BIS-RO

The partners from the different countries decided that we are going to use the Twinspace for chatting online with students meetings. Every time different students will chat and start meeting themselves.

This is a good idea so that our students can practise their English, meet other people and future friends of the Erasmus project and learn how other schools work.

We hope they can enjoy this a lot.


Turistic Challenge in Pinell

The students of 2nd ESO are working in a project called Turistic Challenge. They are going to be ambassadors of their own area, the vineyards and Terra Alta.

During some months they are working with interesting tools to solve economic problems, to achieve several goals in order to improve the economy of the area, etc.

Last Tuesday, they could visit the Modernist Cellar in Pinell de Brai and with the use of iPads and the help of monitors coming from the supporter, that is Patronat de Turisme de la Diputació de Tarragona, students could solve some chanllenges.

It was a very entertaining activity and really motivating.

You can see some PICTURES here.

CreativationChallenge info.

The last days with our Polish partners

The last days we were working with the Polish partners we had a lot to do.

On Friday, students, both from Poland and Catalonia, presented their projects, their robots and we had the competitions. also, students and teachers voted for the best logo.

One team was the winner, they got the maximum points. However, all teams had worked hard and all of them got high marks.

You can see some photos of Friday, at school and in the evening.

Then we have PICS about Saturday and the excursion.

Finally, Sunday in Barcelona, with the visit to the museums of MMACA and Barça. PICTURES.

Working time in Erasmus Project K229 RO-BIS

Here you can see how our teachers and the teachers from our Erasmus partner schools work hard so that the project with our students is a success.

In the meetings, teachers prepare materials, they learn about new methodologies and strategies for teaching and learning. The main objective is to improve the skills from our students so that they become European citizens with high level abilities.

This meeting took place in Roman, Romania. Great professionals work there.

Here you can see some PICTURES