Erasmus+ es el programa europeo en los ámbitos de la educación, la formación, la juventud y el deporte para el periodo 2014-2020.

Erasmus+ es el programa único que trata de impulsar las perspectivas laborales y el desarrollo personal, además de ayudar a nuestros sistemas de educación, formación y juventud a proporcionar una enseñanza y un aprendizaje que doten a las personas de las capacidades necesarias para el mercado laboral y la sociedad actual y futura.

En España son dos las organizaciones designadas como agencias nacionales para la gestión coordinada del programa Erasmus+: el Servicio Español para la internacionalización de la Educación (SEPIE), para el ámbito de la educación y la formación; y la Agencia Nacional Española (ANE), integrada al Instituto de la Juventud (INJUVE) para el ámbito juventud. Las acciones de Erasmus+ Deporte están gestionadas directamente por la Comisión Europea a través de su Agencia Ejecutiva en el ámbito Educativo, Audiovisual y Cultural (EACEA).

Texto extraído de la web oficial del SEPIE:

Los proyectos están cofinanciados por el programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea. El contenido de esta web es responsabilidad exclusiva del Institut Escola Mare de Déu del Portal de Batea y ni la Comisión Europea, ni el Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación (SEPIE) son responsables del uso que pueda hacerse de la información aquí difundida.

Esta fue la presentación a nuestro claustro de los diferentes PROYECTOS ERAMUS existentes, EN SETIEMBRE DE 2016:

A continuación aparecen, por orden de antigüedad, los artículos que nuestra web ha ido publicando periódicamente referentes a los proyectos ERASMUS+  en los que participamos.

Además, se pueden consultar los diferentes proyectos en Twinspace:

-Tradigames around Europe link

-Healthy Living and Equal Opportunities through Sport link

-My school, My life link


25N a l’IE MdD del Portal

L’alumnat de l’ESO treballa durant unes sessions les violències que existeixen a la societat, tant laborals com familiars, i aporten idees per l’erradicació de la violència vers les dones.

Hem fet debats, activitats i tallers. A més, el Consell Comarcal de la Terra Alta, el SIAD, ens ha fet arribat unes motxilles per fer visible el lema.

Festa de la tardor 2023

Aquesta setmana hem estat preparant la festa de la tardor. Dilluns a la comunitat de petits vam fer panellets, a la comunitat de mitjans vam fer coques i a la comunitat de grans vam fer fabioles, i les Witches ens van portar la invitació per anar a veure l’obra de teatre que van preparar l’alumnat de 4t d’ESO: Emily‘s nightmare.
Dimarts al matí vam anar al teatre i a la tarda, vam gaudir amb les activitats que ens van oferir les castanyeres i els castanyers de 6è.
Vam acabar la jornada ballant una dansa al pati de l’escola.

Halloween 2023

This year, two witches visited all the classes in IE Portal Batea and gave an invitation to students to watch the play “Emily’s nightmare”. Emily is a girl who has a lot of terrific nightmares…

The students of 4th ESO represented the play and it was a total success! They are great actors and actresses!

Congratulations and…HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!


Welcoming Italian students

On Monday 2nd October we welcomed 3 Italian girls from Taranto who are going to study in our high school for 1 month. They are living with families in Batea.

All the students are very happy to have new partners in class. We hope this is going to be a great experience for them.

They are participating in an Erasmus programme that includes studying abroad for 1 month.

Long Mobilities-Erasmus+

This year, thanks to the Accreditation Erasmus+ 2020-2027, some students have had the opportunity to participate in a Long Mobility, which means that they were in another country, at their school, for around one month. Here you can see their opinions about the experience:


–Carla. My experience in Poland for a month: it was one of the best months of my life.

 I met a very lovely family, and they treated me very well. It was so good. Thanks to this trip I have been able to meet new people, learn about new cultures and a lot of good experiences. For me, the greatest and the most important learning has been English and knowing how to communicate all the time. I would repeat this experience a thousand times.


–Diana. For me, the experience of going to Poland for a month was great. I made lots of new friends at school, and the teachers and the family that hosted me were fantastic. Every weekend we went to visit new things and I learned a lot about Poland and living there. I also learned to live in another country and with people who didn’t speak my language. I practiced English a lot and I have improved a lot in the expressive part of English.


–Laia. My Erasmus experience was excellent. I learned a lot of things. It was my first time travelling by plane. At first I was so nervous because I haven’t done it before, but when I was inside I was better. When I arrived, and I met my family, it was very beautiful and great because they were very nice and pleasant. The school was also very good because all my classmates were very interested and focused on me and my country. They were also explaining to me what the teacher was saying if I didn’t understand, and also telling me different things about them. Maybe some classes were a little bit difficult because my classmates were older than me, but all my classmates were always trying to help me. Outside the school was also good because I could meet friends of my host girl, her family, and her neighbourhoods. They took me to different places around the region. I learned a lot of things about the culture, gastronomy, and the language. 


–Yasmin. Thanks to the Erasmus that I have done in Italy, it has been a spectacular experience for me that I would repeat over and over again. Thanks to this long-term stay I have managed to learn a new language and speak it fluently and also strengthen my English, since 90% of the time I have used it to carry on a conversation with others.

Also, meeting new friends has been one of the most important points. I have also learned to be more responsible and productive. And I have learned about new cultures and I have visited a lot of places in the country.


–Núria. My Erasmus experience was incredible, I learned a lot about everything, how to live with another family (that were so kind) without knowing the language that they talk, the same in the school, I also learned another type of education. And I had an amazing experience in Italy, discovering new cities, towns, monuments, people, and much more. In general, I improved my English, but I also met amazing people and I learned about a lot of things.


–Iris. Looking back on my Italy Erasmus experience, I am filled with gratitude for the incredible opportunities and valuable lessons it provided. It opened my academic views, and it also made me more independent, open-minded, and culturally aware. I have the best memories and friendships, this trip will forever hold a special place in my heart, it will continue reminding me of the amazing power of living new experiences.



Premi “Què és per a tu Europa?”

Al projecte d’Emprenedoria de 3r d’ESO som molt actius i ens presentem a diferents premis durant el curs. Amb el que aprenem a classe, amb les experiències Erasmus, i amb la nostra creativitat, aquest any ha estat fructífer.

Hem aconseguit un premi als Premis Injuè de la Diputació. També hem arribat a ser finalistes al premi Turistic Challenge. Finalment, hem recollit un premi al concurs Què és per a tu Europa.

Amb el vídeo “Un passat per un present”, hem aconseguit un dels premis, que és econòmic a més a més d’un viatge a Brusel·les.

El premi està organitzat per la Fundació Catalunya Europa amb el suport del Departament d’Educació de la Generalitat de Catalunya i la col·laboració de la cooperativa Abacus, amb l’objectiu d’acostar Europa als joves i als centres educatius a través de les arts, la fotografia, el vídeo, i altres formats innovadors.

Podeu llegir més info:  LINK


Erasmus project, Digital citizenship through Castles. Meeting point: Romania, 2023 May

A group of students from 4th ESO travelled to Romania last May to finish with the Erasmus project K229 related to the Castles, their history and digitalization. They had to represent a story they had created in class some time ago. It was the last time we could meet with our partners from Turkey, Sicily and Romania.

We visited some castles and we realised there are magnificient buildings everywhere, so we all learned from each other and it is interesting to share. We could visit the Bran Castle, the Peles Castle, Cantacuzino… We also stayed some days in Iasi, where our partners live, and we could meet more about the country, their traditions, culture…

It was an mazing adventure!



Intercanvi amb la Bressola

La setmana del 22 al 26 de maig de 2023 vam acollir a l’alumnat de les escoles La Bressola, Perpinyà. Van estar a les nostres cases i vam dur a terme activitats diverses perquè coneguessin de primera mà la nostra comarca i zona. Vam visitar Tortosa i la ciutat medieval, així com el museu Cota 0 sobre la història de Tortosa, que va ser molt interessant. També vam estar al museu 115 dies de Corbera d’Ebre i a la Catedral del Vi, del Pinell de Brai.

Vam fer activitats per conèixer millor el territori i van marxar molt satisfets de la visita, l’acollida per part de les famílies i el bon tracte rebut.

Va ser genial! I és gràcies a l’Acreditació Erasmus+ que tenim!!