Erasmus+ es el programa europeo en los ámbitos de la educación, la formación, la juventud y el deporte para el periodo 2014-2020.

Erasmus+ es el programa único que trata de impulsar las perspectivas laborales y el desarrollo personal, además de ayudar a nuestros sistemas de educación, formación y juventud a proporcionar una enseñanza y un aprendizaje que doten a las personas de las capacidades necesarias para el mercado laboral y la sociedad actual y futura.

En España son dos las organizaciones designadas como agencias nacionales para la gestión coordinada del programa Erasmus+: el Servicio Español para la internacionalización de la Educación (SEPIE), para el ámbito de la educación y la formación; y la Agencia Nacional Española (ANE), integrada al Instituto de la Juventud (INJUVE) para el ámbito juventud. Las acciones de Erasmus+ Deporte están gestionadas directamente por la Comisión Europea a través de su Agencia Ejecutiva en el ámbito Educativo, Audiovisual y Cultural (EACEA).

Texto extraído de la web oficial del SEPIE:

Los proyectos están cofinanciados por el programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea. El contenido de esta web es responsabilidad exclusiva del Institut Escola Mare de Déu del Portal de Batea y ni la Comisión Europea, ni el Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación (SEPIE) son responsables del uso que pueda hacerse de la información aquí difundida.

Esta fue la presentación a nuestro claustro de los diferentes PROYECTOS ERAMUS existentes, EN SETIEMBRE DE 2016:

A continuación aparecen, por orden de antigüedad, los artículos que nuestra web ha ido publicando periódicamente referentes a los proyectos ERASMUS+  en los que participamos.

Además, se pueden consultar los diferentes proyectos en Twinspace:

-Tradigames around Europe link

-Healthy Living and Equal Opportunities through Sport link

-My school, My life link


Entrepreneurship: how to sell local products abroad

La setmana del 25 de febrer al 3 de març, l’alumnat de 3r d’ESO va viatjar a Sieniawa (Polònia) per dur a terme el projecte d’emprenedoria “Entrepreneurship: how to sell local products abroad”. Un grup de 9 alumnes es van sumar a les dues alumnes de llarga estada (que estan a Polònia durant un mes) per compartir el projecte amb els i les alumnes poloneses. Ha estat una gran experiència on han compartit aprenentatges, moments de lleure i convivència amb les famílies que les van acollir.

Preparatory visit in Poland

Some teachers from our school have been in a preparatory visit in Poland, in the school

They welcomed us very well, not only in the school but also in the townhall. WE really liked visiting the school and knowing more about our partners. We shared ideas, knowledge and we learnt about their culture, traditions, etc.

We could compare systems of education and other essential information.

JOB Shadowing n Poland, Grodzisko

Some teachers from our school have been JOB shadowing in Poland, in

Szkoła Podstawowa im. Franciszka Leji.

The experience has been really interesting and teachers could see the similarities and the differences in education.

The Polish school works in several European projects and it is an expert in robots and drones programmes.

They welcomed our school teachers with enthusiasm and they showed us how they work, organise, etc.

Erasmus project, Digital citizenship through Castles

Last November 2022 we hosted students and teachers from Romania (Iasi), Sicily (Bagheria) and Turkey (Istambul).

The students worked in teams in order to solve challenges related to Castles and about our countries in Europe.

During one week, students and teachers participated in some activities organised by the hosting school in Batea and they also visited some castles in the area.

It is amazing to see how students manage to collaborate and speak by one common language and how they can work together in order to improve.

Here you can see some PHOTOS.


ERASMUS DAYS October 2022

These days of October’22 our students have been learning more about Europe during Erasmus days.

They have seen the presentations from some partners who have had the opportunity to participate in Erasmus projects, so that they could share their impressions, their experiences…and also the rest of students could ask them about their doubts, their feelings, their recommendations…

The students have participated in a quiz comptetition about Europe. They worked in teams and they shared their knowledge…and we had some winners: the ones who kew more about Europe, its culture, traditions, people, cities… However, we had prizes for ALL the students!!

Finally, ALL the students could write some messages for the school poster in order to share what they have felt in every mobility, after hosting students in our school, etc.

Here you can see SOME PICTURES.

Erasmus k229, Digital Citizenship through Castles

From 2nd to 7th October 2022, our students from 4th ESO participated in a students’ mobility in Sicily, in Bagheria. They were working on the project about “Digital Citizenship through Castles”, with the partners from Sicily, Turkey and Romania.

The activities were related to digitalization and the knowledge about castles, history, culture and tradition.

Our students were able to taste new dishes, learn about other cultures and improve their skills in English while communicating with other partners. They also learnt new words in other languages, such as Italian, Romanian and Turkish.

It was a week full of activities where students could demonstrate their different abilities.

Have a LOOK AT THE PHOTOS in the album.

Polish students in Batea, September 2022

Our students from 2nd ESO welcomed a group of students from Poland, in the project

“Europe, a restaurant where entrepreneurship is the key to success”.

Students from Batea and students from Poland are sharing great moments while working in their project and learning from others. They are understanding the key to be an entrepreneur while they are designing their own restaurants and menus… nyam nyam!!!

Here you can see some PHOTOS

Lego programme with Poland

Students from 3rd ESO welcomed one more time students from Poland to work on the programme related to robotics and Legos.

Our students are becoming really good experts and we hope that in the future thay can make a good use of this in their future jobs.

All this will be useful to participate in the Erasmus programme 22-23.

Students from Poland and Catalonia had a great time in the school, but also in the town and surroundings, where they spent so much time enjoying themselves, sharing cultures, ideas and games.

The final competition was a great success with lots of spectators!

Here you can see some PHOTOS!!