How much do we know each other?

3rd graders started the English school year doing a small snowball fight with paper. On each piece of paper they had written 6 of their favorite things so they could all guess whose paper ball belonged to. We’ve had a very fun time and we have discovered that we know each other very well.

Click on the picture to see more.

Les nenes i els nens de 3r hem començat les classes d’anglès fent una petita “batalla” amb boles de paper. Abans, però, cadascú havia escrit en anglès 6 de les seves coses preferides. Un cop acabada la batalla, cadascú ha agafat la bola que tenia més propera i un a un, hem anat llegint què hi posava: she is a girl, her favourite sport is table tennis, her favourite food is kebab…who is it? Ens ha sorprès veure com de bé ens coneixem i hem passat una estona divertida.

Clica la imatge per veure’n més.

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