Chad, our language assistant.

This year we have an English language assistant. His name is Chad and he is going to help us to learn English.

He will come to school on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays mainly in 5th and 6th grade lessons.

He started last week and this is what we know about him:

  • Chad lived in Chicago and he loves his city.
  • He likes teaching English.
  • He is 28 years old.
  • He loves pasta, chocolate, Nutella crepes… but his favourite food are “burritos”.
  • He likes American football and he is excited to learn to play soccer.
  • He loves sleeping and he thinks “siesta” is a good thing.
  • He liked playing Pokémon Go in Chicago. He had a Playstation there.
  • His hobby is taking photos. He also loves reading and riding a bike. He likes going to the cinema.

Chad is very friendly and funny. We are very happy he is here.

5th graders


1 comentari

  1. Pares d'en Ponç

    Hi Chad!

    We hope you will enjoy your experience in Girona! Welcome to our city and to Catalonia.

    Esperem que compartiu molts bons moments amb en Chad i que aprengueu molt d’anglès

    Pares d’en Ponç

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