Som la classe de 6èA

Primer dia de classe dels alumnes de 6èA…
Goretti: – Hola a tots, nens i nenes de 5è!  
Marina: – Ei no! Que fem 6è!
Laia: – Ai Goretti, aquestes vacances…
(xivarri a la classe)
Hugo: – Què ens anaves a dir? Podríem explicar com ens han… Llegeix més»


Los niños y niñas de la escuela tocaron el Djembé y la Darbuka
El pasado 10 de Noviembre, los alumnos de ciclo superior realizaron una actividad  musical en el gimnasio.
Los grupos de quinto y sexto hicieron un taller de percusión con Jordi, quien… Llegeix més»

Basketball session

Today some basketball players came to the school to show us some exercises to learn to play basketball.
First they have introduced themselves. One is really tall: 2’16m!!! And one is from Figueres. The trainer is from Bulgaria. The others are all from the USA. They… Llegeix més»

The e-waste trouble.

Hello. In our Global Scholars class we have made a PSA about E-Waste. We think it’s  a big problem but  we can help by recycling.
We hope you like it.


Stop Cyberbulling

In Global Scholars we have worked to make a PSA (Public Service Announcement).  We have decided to do it about cyberbulling because it is important that everybody knows it’s not correct.

About Thanksgiving Day.

Chad has explained to us lots of things about Thanksgiving Day in the USA:
It is on the last Thursday of November. They celebrate that the American natives helped  British people when they arrived to the USA.
In big cities, like New York or Chicago, they have… Llegeix més»

The Global Scholars project.

This school year, 6th graders will participate in Global Scholars international project. In Global Scholars classroom we will communicate and share exciting digital projects. We will learn about other cities and their culture.
We will work with students from:

Padrins i padrines de lectura

El passat divendres dia 15 ens van presentar els nostres fillols i filloles de lectura de primer.
A partir del divendres vinent començarem a fer activitats de lectura amb ells.
Afra i Isolda