🇬🇧 English 5th grade 🧳✈️


Did you know that we are travelling ✈️ around the world 🌍 in 5th grade?
We are in Denmark right now, and we love this country! 🇩🇰 We are learning a lot about Danish people and culture, and we are learning English too!


🇬🇧 English CM ⚡️

We have been working the food topic all over this first term… and we learnt a lot!! 🧠💡

Here you are just one of all the activities we did: preparing our restaurant menu. 🍴✨

And here you can find the “making of” of our 🍽 restaurant dialogues. Have a look at it! 👀



Halloween activities CI

This week during the English lessons of First Cicle we were making some Halloween games and activities and we had a lot of fun!! Here you have some pictures.
Are your ready to have a spooky Halloween??

Teacher Gloria.

Week 5 – 3rd and 4th grade

Hello! ??

Task 1️⃣: Read aloud ? the following text.

Task 2️⃣: Answer the questions in this Google Forms. ⬇️


⚠️ Recordeu, si algú vol feina extra, tinc booklets multinivell. Això és totalment opcional per les famílies que vulguin més tasques setmanals d’anglès. Només m’heu d’enviar un correu a agil@emediterrania.cat i us el faré arribar.

WEEK 4 – 3rd and 4th grade

Hi there! ??‍♀️

Task: Do the following Google Forms (link on the picture ⬇️).

⚠️ If you have any troubles accessing the google forms, please send me an e-mail to: agil@emediterrania.cat


WEEK 3 – 2nd Grade

??‍♀️ ? WE ARE SUPERHEROES ? ??‍♂️

Com ja sabeu, durant aquest curs hem estat Superheroes ??‍♂️??‍♀️ durant les estones d’English??.

Aquí us deixem algun del material que hem fet servir a classe, per si li voleu fer un cop d’ull durant aquesta setmana.





Podeu descarregar el material que hem estat fent servir clickant en els següents links. ⬇️

Superhero numbers