Bigger / Smaller

Which animal is bigger/smaller?

Last week, the first and second graders studied and learned:

    • Is bigger than….
    • Is smaller than…

How we did?

    1. Through didactic proposals where they are the protagonist of their learning based on the communicative approach.
    2. Through play and movement with music.First of all, we show them some mysterious boxes covered with cloth to make the presentation of the activity more attractive.



After to do some questions about the content of the boxes we open it. When the students can see different animals, we give them a brief review about the name of different animals.

Once they have remembered the names of the animals, the activity begins. One by one the pupils come to the table and choose the animals that are in the boxes and compare them.

To conclude, as always, we finished the class by dancing with Michael Jackson. When the music stops the teacher says three names and the first student have to say “second student is bigger/smaller than third student”.

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