The Museu de l’Aigua in Lleida is a museum that explores the relationship between our city and water. Throughout our visit we could see the different uses of water through history, and the evolution of technology related to water.

The journey to have access to potable water in our city was not an easy one. We had no idea that it required so much time and effort, and a lot of people working for years to build the proper infrastructures.

Water is vital for our city. We were able to watch an interactive map about how water arrives in our city from the mountains. We also found out about the uses of electricity in our city.

The camp of La Canadenca was a settlement were workers who were building a new channel used to live. They were all from Canada. That’s how we got tennis and late night parties!

Our favourite part arrived when we visited a room full of bottles of water from around the world. Some of them were really weird and some were really expensive.

The morning ended with a visit to and old mill (no longer in use). It was built at the end of the nineteenth century.


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