Chess and English is back!

Continuem jugan a escacs en anglès, hem après els moviments de les peces: els peons, la reina, el rei, el cavall, la torre i l’alfil. Ens ho hem passat molt bé jugant amb l’escaquer gegant. Per a jugar-hi necessitem treure’ns les sabates, ja que depenent del moviment de les peces l’hem de xafar!

Cliqueu aquí per a veure algunes fotos.

We continue playing Chess in English, we are learning the moves of the chess pieces: Pawns, the Queen, the King, the Knight, the Rook and the Bishop. We’ve had so much fun playing with our giant chess board. To use this chess board we need to take of our shoes, as we need to move around the chessboard while we move the chess pieces.

Click here to see some photos.

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