Let’s practice English!

We are getting to the end of a very particular week; this is a time that we will probably remember all of our lives and is our duty to try to make the most of it.

Here are some web pages to help us improve our English language skills, I wish you a very good weekend and I hope you enjoy them:

For the little ones: (Per als més petits)


For the not so little ones (Per als no tant petits):

http://www.cbeebies.com/?cdrid=mT4A9fuDvG (Games and stories) (jocs i històries)

http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/ (Diversity of games, activities and songs) (Diversitat de jocs, activitats i cançons)

http://www.funenglishgames.com/ (interactive games and printable worksheets) (jocs interactius i activitats per imprimir)

http://www.literacycenter.net/ (Infantil i Cicle Inicial)

http://www.thestorystarter.com/jr.htm (Story starter generator) (Generador de frases per a començar una historia) (Cicle Mitja i Cicle Superior)

http://www.eduplace.com/tales/ (story generator) (Generador d’històries) (Cicle Mitja i Cicle Superior)

http://www.breakingnewsenglish.com/ (Listening, Reading, Grammar and Vocabulary activities about real news) (Activitats de comprensió sobre noticies reals, recomanat per Cicle Superior)

For any feedback, enquiry, doubt or comment/per qualsevol feedback, consulta, dubte o comentari m’ho podeu fer arribar través de l’adreça: cmasana@xtec.cat


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