Treballem l’expressió visual i plàstica a primària …


Everything can have another life: Recycle, Reduce, Reuse and INVENT!

El passat diumenge 17 de maig es va celebrar el Dia Mundial del Reciclatge per conscienciar la població sobre la importància de tractar els residus com corresponen i així, protegir el medi ambient. Des de la UNESCO, van establir aquest dia per tal de promoure una major responsabilitat sobre el tema.

És per aquest motiu que la darrera setmana es va demanar a l’alumnat de Cicle Superior per Arts & Crafts que, mitjançant materials reciclats que tinguin per casa o objectes que ja no facin servir, realitzin un treball manual o donin una segona vida a aquests elements.

Voleu veure l’increible resulat?


Joan Miró  was a famous painter, sculptor, and ceramicist born in Barcelona. His work has been interpreted as Surrealism. However, Miró chose not to become an official member of the Surrealists in order to be free to experiment with other artistic styles.

Year 4 students are learning about this fantastic artist. They have been talking about his biography and creating nice crafts trying to follow Miro’s style.



Year 3 students are learning the Pop Art main characteristics. They love its shiny colours and its comics, cartoons, pictures for publicity, pictures about famous people…. and they are also discovering about a famous artist: Andy Warhol.

They have created their own Pop Art painting.

They look really nice and very original!! Take a look to them!!

Arts & Crafts LOGO!!!!

The Arts & Crafts teachers we had a problem: we didn’t have a LOGO for our GEP project (Arts & Crafts)!! Our students had the solution! They drew a fantastic LOGO and we select one for the GEP project ( Arts & Crafts). Congratulations for your logos. We have had a hard task to select one and finally we have chosen this one. Click to see more!