Children in P4 have become naughty monkeys and they can’t stop jumping and jumping on the bed!!! Be careful! If they fall off you must call the doctor!

We have enjoyed a lot all these sessions preparing the monkey crowns, singing the song and acting it out!

Here you can see how funny it’s been!

Hello, animals!

Hello everybody!

For some weeks, children in P5 have been working on animals. Elephants, birds, ostriches, crocodiles… After listening to a song they have chosen the animal they want to be. Then, they have coloured their own masks and practised how to greet by saying the animal name.

Let’s have a look! They want to greet you!

Enjoying Maths!

Hi everybody!

As you already know, this week we have been working Maths at school.

Year 1 and year 2 children have done a Tangram workshop in English. We have learnt that a Tangram has got 7 pieces: 5 triangles (2 are big, 1 is medium and 2 are small), 1 square and 1 parallelogram.

Then, we have played to form diferent figures, animals all of them, so we have also worked on the name of these animals: swan, crow, dog, squirrel, monkey…

It has been a funny activity and very engaging for girls and boys.

Do you want to have a look at the pictures?

Bobble hats

Winter, cold days… we don’t like to go out with so freezing weather. But we also like enjoying playing outside, so the better way is wearing warming clothes. That’s why we have created our own bobble hats!!! We have coloured and cut out our hats. Then we have also worked on a bobble made out of wool. Some glue to paste it on the top of the hat and… great! Our amazing bobble hats!!!


The sea: English theatre

Hi everyone!

On Wednesday morning, the little children in our school enjoyed an English theatre play.

There were an octopus, a fish, a turtle, a starfish and a shaaaaark!!! Yes, an enormous shark! But… you know? The shark helped the pirate to find a hidden treasure!

It was funny!  We sang and danced the songs worked previously in class!

Let’s have a look!


Joguines de Reis a 1rB

Aquest matí, els nens i les nenes de 1rB, ens hem retrobat amb els companys i companyes de la classe després de les vacances de Nadal. Hem recordat vivències d’aquest dies i explicat els uns als altres aquelles joguines que ens han portat els Reis.

A la tarda ho hem experimentat compartint aquestes joguines i gaudint d’una estona de joc plegats.

Arriba el patge!

Aquest dimecres al matí ha arribat el patge Domab a l’escola. Tot l’alumnat des de P3 fins a 4t l’hem anat a veure per tal de poder-li entregar les cartes que hem elaborat a classe per demanar jocs i joguines per l’aula. Ha estat un matí molt emocionant i ple d’il·lusió per a tots els nens i nenes.

A més a més, hem pogut gaudir d’una actuació musical d’alumnes de l’escola que coneixen molt bé diferents instruments.