Storytelling amb la Terry

Last friday we received the visit of Terry, an english teacher and actress with whom we enjoyed a wonderful time whilst using English to communicate. 

She told us the story of “Little Red Riding Hood” and we helped her interpreting some of the main characters. We then played a bingo to practice vegetables vocabulary and were finally free to ask her any questions. 

It has been fun and we have learned a lot! And it has been a great opportunity to use the language that we learn in class. 



Divendres passat ens va visitar la Terry, una mestra i actriu anglesa amb qui vam poder gaudir d’una bona estona comunicant-nos en anglès. 

Ens va explicar i vam participar en la interpretació del conte “La caputxeta vermella”, vam jugar a un quinto amb vocabulari de verdures, i finalment vam poder fer-li tot de preguntes del que vam voler. 

Hem rigut, hem après, i ha estat una molt bona oportunitat per posar en pràctica tot allò que anem aprenent a l’aula!


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