Ariadna and Judit in the regional stage of the FONIX competition!

Yesterday, Judit and Ariadna participated in the Regional stage of the Fonix contest in Barcelona. They made the test at the INEFC University. They saw lots of students like them from the other schools of Barcelona and surroundings.
They were very nervous at the beginning but at the end they went out with a big smile in their faces.
It was a great experience for them!
The organisers will publish the names of the winners from the regional stage of the competition and the centres they represent as of 3rd April.
Good luck girls but your are champions yet!
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4 comentaris

  1. Amina L.R

    Hello, Judit my classmate went to the FONIX and she explained how it was. It had been fun. He said that the examination was not very complicated … people who wish also came Ariadna which is one girl 5B also congratulated to get here and Judit.

    I hope you win the FONIX!

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