Easter activities

The last English sessions before Easter holiday, primary 1 and 2 worked on Easter stories, songs, poems and vocabulary. They learnt a lot about this tradition in different English speaking countries and liked it a lot.
One of the activities was the Easter hunt, in which… Llegeix més»

English Corners

Primary 2 are working with different English corners that help us improve the core skills of English: Speaking, Listening, Reading & Writing.
Check this out!
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlnvIcahLc0&w=560&h=315]

Els nens i nenes de Cicle Inicial anem a la Granja de Palautordera

Ens ho vam passar d’allò més bé fent de pastors, parant taula, fent maletes de viatge, aprenent a fer nusos… Ens tornem una miqueta més autònoms i alhora ens divertim .

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