Fashion show

With the group of sixth grade boys and girls, we did a very exciting activity to work on clothes, a fashion catwalk where the students presented their classmates while they paraded. It was a very fun activity, we laughed a lot!
Amb el grup de… Llegeix més»

Playing simon says!

WhatsApp Image 2024-02-15 at 11.16.19

WhatsApp Image 2024-02-15 at 11.16.19 (2)

WhatsApp Image 2024-02-15 at 11.16.19 (4)

WhatsApp Image 2024-02-15 at 11.16.19 (7)

WhatsApp Image 2024-02-15 at 11.19.22 (3)

WhatsApp Image 2024-02-15 at 11.19.22 (4)

WhatsApp Image 2024-02-15 at 11.19.22 (2)

WhatsApp Image 2024-02-15 at 11.16.19 (5)

WhatsApp Image 2024-02-15 at 11.16.19 (1)

WhatsApp… Llegeix més»

I3 descobreix l’aula STEM

Bon dia família de la classe dels PALLASSOS! 
Darrerament l’equip de l’escola hem estat treballant molt, preparant una aula STEM per als infants de tot el centre. 
En aquesta aula hi ha molt material per aprendre CIÈNCIES, TECNOLOGIA, ENGINYERIA i MATEMÀTIQUES. Tot de manera molt vivencial i… Llegeix més»

Halloween 2022

Hi everyone! We are back and have news! For a couple of weeks we have been doing some activities related to the Halloween festivity, such as masks, crafts and songs.This Friday the sixth graders dressed up and went class by class scaring the students… Llegeix més»


Hello families, how are you?
We open the English blog with terrifying news, these days we have been doing Halloween activities! Our students had a great time making masks, singing songs, playing games, and in 6th grade we also dressed up. We hope you like the… Llegeix més»

The very hungry caterpillar

This week we have reading the book of “The very hungry caterpillar”. We are learning different types of fruits and also the days of the week. We made a craft about the caterpillar and the days of the week. We enjoyed it very much!

Aquesta setmana hem llegit el llibre de "L'erugueta goluda". Estem aprenent diferents tipus de
fruites i també els dies de la setmana. Vam fer una manualitat sobre l’erugueta i els dies de 
la setmana. Vam gaudir moltíssim!

Learning while playing!

Hello families!
Our 1st students are learning the colours. They have been learning them through different games. We’ve played a lot, but I couldn’t take more pictures because I was playing with them. The game is called “What colour am I?”. There were 3 different stickers… Llegeix més»


Our English wall is a huge Santa Claus with almost all the Christmas crafts your children did before holidays.I hope you had a great time with your families and I wish you a great 2020!… Llegeix més»


L’últim dia abans de les vacances de Nadal tots els nens i nenes de l’escola hem fet un concert davant de companys, companyes i famílies. Ens ho hem preparat durant setmanes i ho hem fet molt bé!

Aquí teniu els vídeos!