
Ara que arribem a Nadal podem decorar les finestres amb volves de neu. Aquest enllaç us explica com fer-les.

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Aquest esquema us ajudarà a entendre-ho millor:


Si voleu fer una estrella molt senzilla de cinc puntes, podeu seguir aquestes instruccions en anglès:

Ossos i músculs

Amb aquesta activitat podreu anar repassant el nostre aparell locomotor:


(Per veure les activitats clic cal fer-ho amb el navegador Mozilla Firefox. Amb el navegador Google Chrome no funciona. També cal tenir instal·lat el Java.)

Make new friends

Make new friends, but keep the old.
One is silver, the other is gold.
A circle is round, it has no end.
That’s how long, then I will be your friend.


A fire burns bright, it warms the heart.
We’ve been friends from the very start.
You have one hand, I have the other.
Put them together, we have each other.
Silver is precious, gold is too.
I am precious, and so are you.
You help me, and I’ll help you
and together we will see it through.


The sky is blue, the Earth is green
We can help to keep it clean.
Across the land, across the sea
Friends forever we will always be

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