
El divendres 14 de juny de 2019 els alumnes de 4t curs vam anar a l’escola Joc de la Bola per participar a l’onzena Firabola . Un matí on convivim  amb altres nens i nenes d’escoles de l’entorn i juguem a diferents jocs tradicionals. Ens… Llegeix més»


Good morning children! Today we have visited a very interesting website called Smartoonz where you can find cartoon videos, stories and more.By clicking down below on the image you can watch one of the beautiful fables it contains. 

I specially like the little monkey who likes to imitate the animals. Check the video and move!!

P.D: Let me know what you have watched and if you like it or not.

Bye! 😉 


Do you want to hear a story?

Hello everyone!  Do you know Eric Carle? He’s the author of lots of famous books like “The very hungry Catterpilar” or “Brown Bear, Brown Bear what do you see?”. He likes animals very much and in the book ” From Head to Toe” you can revise the names of animals and some actions. Let’sing and have fun imitating  what animals can do. Can you do it?!



My dear pupils this is the LAST WEEK of school and I hope you have a wonderful and superfantastic summer time!! I’m going to miss you a lot and if you want here you have some links to fun stuff to enjoy!!! Click on the images to visit the web 😉

Do you like drawing and making crafts? Click on the image below.You will learn lots of cool things!


Songs and stories

Hi kids! Summer is coming but during this last week I’m going to post some activities we have worked during this course for you to revise and have fun again! Just click on the image;-)

Beautiful songs from these children and an IMPORTANT message: we are ALL V.I.P!

Resultat d'imatges de unity vip

And they say: We know something has to be done!