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El pasado miércoles 15 de mayo los alumnos de primaria de nuestra escuela, disfrutaron de una mañana haciendo diferentes actividades utilizando la lengua castellana.
Concretamente las actividades fueron:
1. Karaoke
2. Pasapalabra
3. Coreografía de canciones en castellano.
4. Según unas descripciones de personas que forman parte del entorno escolar,… Llegeix més»

Murder Estel

English morning, 26th May.
The 26th of May, Estel School celebrated an English morning. The pupils from CM were splitted up in two groups and the pupils from CS, as well. There were about 12 students in each group.
In the game the goal was to pretend… Llegeix més»


The 14th of october we celebrated the first English Morning of our school term. The children were divided into 6 groups of 12 pupils from all classes mixed. They all of which had different activities to do. All the children has done scientific activities… Llegeix més»

Gymkhana 29-04-2016

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The last 29th of April, the school celebrated the second English morning of this school year.
In that occasion, we also separated all the Primary children in cycles. Once joined in the first, second and… Llegeix més»